Some of the pieces that began my career :)
Play, Enjoy, Relax
Digital Media (Photoshop)
Photography (original)
Created posters that encourage the viewer to visit the open spaces in town and promote the Land and Conservation Commission. The type treatment leads into the white space to emphasize the idea of open spaces. A National Scholastics Art & Writing award winner.
Digital Media (Photoshop/Illustrator)
The final design was inspired by Piet Mondrian's grid-like compositions. The poster conveys the themes of the musical such as, the climb to the top, men and women's roles, and has a 50's feel. Was chosen to represent the musical and A National Scholastics Art & Writing award winner.
Someone YOU Know
Digital Media (Illustrator)
Photography (Found)
Someone YOU Know is an alarming - and even disturbing - call to action for the viewer on a prominent issue, child molestation. The image is taken out of the original context to make the viewer reconsider what they are looking at. I added the image of a map that points out where sex offenders reside to clearly call the viewer's attention to how crucial the issue is.